Archive for febrero 2017


Corte Suprema argentina y oposición a la figura del control de convencionalidad

28 febrero, 2017

Estimados amigos:

En una decisión que puede considerarse muy singular, la Corte Suprema de Argentina ha optado por no acatar parcialmente la ejecución del fallo Fontevecchia vs. Argentina (2011), sentencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos Corte IDH, a propósito de libertad de expresión y derecho a la intimidad.

La Corte Suprema argentina rescata la tesis del margen de apreciación, criterio mayormente adoptado por el Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos como argumento de no obligatoriedad, para admitir y formular como razón que si una sentencia de la Corte IDH excede las competencias de ésta, entonces el Estado parte no está obligado a acatarla.

Al respecto, la doctrina de la Corte IDH asume la posición del carácter vinculante de sus decisiones, efecto que nace bajo la figura del control de convencionalidad, expuesta por primera vez en voto del magistrado Sergio García Ramírez en el caso Myrna Mack Chang vs, Guatemala (2003), y que luego la Corte IDH asumió como criterio colegiado en el caso Almonacid Arellano vs. Chile ( 2006).

El control de convencionalidad expresa una tesis de vinculación efectiva, real y tangible de los fallos de las sentencias de la Corte IDH para los Estados parte, sin posibilidad de apartamiento.

Veamos que si sucediere que un Estado parte pudiera apartarse de un fallo de la Corte IDH, entonces el carácter vinculante de los fallos de ésta se vacía de contenido, pues un Estado tendría la facultad de evaluar si ejecuta o no una sentencia. Sin embargo, debemos advertir, en propiedad, que respecto a fallos de la Corte IDH, estamos frente al efecto revisor que representa la instancia supranacional respecto de la jurisdicción nacional, correspondiendo al Estado parte la ejecución del fallo.

Desde esta interpretación, la decisión de la Corte Suprema argentina no corresponde a los estándares propios del control de convencionalidad, en la medida que la discusión de los alcances de una controversia ante la Corte IDH, tiene lugar solo durante el proceso de rigor, y no cuando éste ha concluido y corresponde su ejecución.

Adjuntamos una nota que incluye mayores detalles.

Saludos cordiales,

Edwin Figueroa Gutarra


Call for Applications: Laureate Visiting Fellowships in Comparative Constitutional Law

27 febrero, 2017

Blog of the IACL, AIDC


The Laureate Visiting Fellowships in Comparative Constitutional Law offers outstanding female doctoral and female early career researchers the opportunity to participate in an intensive mentoring program relative to the ARC Laureate Program on ‘Balancing Diversity and Social Cohesion in Democratic Constitutions’ with Professor Adrienne Stone, ARC Kathleen Fitzpatrick Laureate Fellow, for up to two months; and includes involvement in events such as workshops and round table discussions.

Funding is available to Visiting Fellows of up to $3000 towards the costs of travel and accommodation in Melbourne. Visiting Fellows from outside Australia are responsible for obtaining and funding any necessary visas.

Applications close 12 March 2017.

Further information can be found here.

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Call for Papers: International Conference on Human Dignity and the Constitutional Crisis in Europe: Humanity, Democracy, Social Europe

27 febrero, 2017

Blog of the IACL, AIDC

The School of Law at the University of Portsmouth and the European University Institute (EUI) are organising a 2-day international conference on “Human Dignity and the Constitutional Crisis in Europe: Humanity, Democracy, Social Europe”.

The conference will be hosted by the European University Institute in Florence on 15th and 16th June 2016.

The conveners welcome papers that fit broadly within the theme of the conference, but in particular invite papers that relate to one or more of the following interrelated themes:
  1. Protecting Humanity: Inclusion, Identity and Difference
  2. Defining Democracy: Authoritarianism, Constitutional Reform and Self-Determination
  3. Realising Social Europe: Austerity, Welfare and Solidarity

Further information concerning the themes of the conference and potential research questions can be found here.

Interested participants should submit an abstract of no more than 500 words to or through the conference webpage at

The deadline for submission of abstracts is 28 February 2017.


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Analysis: Criminal policy or criminal politics?

23 febrero, 2017

Blog of the IACL, AIDC

tanasescuBy Elena Simina Tănăsescu, Professor of constitutional law and EU law at the Law Faculty of the University of Bucharest and Director of the Centre for Constitutional Law and Political Institutions ( She is an advisor to the President of Romania for institutional and constitutional reform. She is also a member of the Group of Independent Experts on the European Charter of Local Self Government at the Council of Europe and President of the Romanian Association of Constitutional Law and of the Franco-Romanian Association of Lawyers.

The general elections organized on the 11th of December 2016 in Romania have seen the lowest level of participation since the fall of communism in December 1989. Winning 46% of votes, a coalition made of PSD (Social-Democratic Party) together with a smaller social-liberal party (ALDE) managed to get the simple majority of seats in the Romanian…

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Call for African Reporters: Oxford’s Constitutions of the Countries of the World (CCW)

23 febrero, 2017

Blog of the IACL, AIDC

The Institute for International and Comparative Law in Africa (ICLA) in the Faculty of Law of the University of Pretoria wishes to invite interested persons to apply for the position of country reporter for any of the countries indicated below for Oxford’s CCW.

The CCW were previously published by Oceana but are now published by Oxford University Press (OUP). In 2011, ICLA agreed with OUP and the the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (MPI), Heidelberg, Germany to coordinate the African country reporting for the Oxford Constitutions Online. It in this context that we are inviting interested persons to apply to be country reporters.

The countries for which reporters are needed are: Central African Republic, the Comoros, Congo Republic, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Guinea, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Mozambique, Niger, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Tanzania, Western Sahara, and Zambia.

Persons who teach constitutional…

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Profile: Constitution Transformation Network

21 febrero, 2017

Blog of the IACL, AIDC


The Constitution Transformation Network is a new initiative that brings together a team of scholars at Melbourne Law School to explore both the practice and the concept of constitutional transformation.  The Network is convened by Laureate Professor Emeritus Cheryl Saunders, Dr Will Partlett and Ms Anna Dziedzic.

About Our Work

At a practical level constitutional transformation is or has recently been underway in many states across the world. At heart, constitutional transformation involves the formulation and implementation of new Constitutions or major changes to existing Constitutions. It comprises questions about constitutional design as well as the processes of constitutional change. Depending on the context, constitutional transformation may encompass conflict resolution, peace building and other catalysts for regime change. It extends well beyond the ratification of new arrangements to include a period of transition, which may be drawn-out over a decade or more, and which covers implementation and constitutional change post-adoption.

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Statement: International Association of Constitutional Law Condemns the Dismissal of Academics in Turkey

17 febrero, 2017

Blog of the IACL, AIDC

The following is a statement issued by the International Association of Constitutional Law (français plus bas).

On 7 February 2017, the Turkish government issued an emergency decree dismissing 330 academics in Turkey from their jobs, without due process. Among these was Prof Ibrahim Kaboğlu, a former member of the Executive Committee of the International Association of Constitutional Law (IACL). Prof Kaboğlu is a world-renowned Professor of constitutional law; the former head of the Turkish Human Rights Advisory Council; a Lawyer at the Istanbul Bar; a columnist for BirGun Daily; the former head of the International Human Rights Centre of the Istanbul Bar; and the President of the Association of Research on Constitutional Law.

The IACL strongly condemns the dismissal of Prof Kaboğlu without any element of due process, and without any evidence that could associate him with the failed coup of 15 July 2016, or any kind of terrorist activity…

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Call for Papers: Fifth Stellenbosch Annual Seminar on Constitutionalism in Africa

15 febrero, 2017

Blog of the IACL, AIDC

The Organisers of the Stellenbosch Annual Seminar on Constitutionalism in Africa (SASCA) are pleased to announce the call for papers for the Fifth Stellenbosch Annual Seminar on Constitutionalism in Africa (SASCA 2017) which will be held in Stellenbosch (South Africa) from Tuesday 19 September to Friday 22 September 2017.

The deadline for submitting proposals is 28 February 2017.


SASCA 2017 will be jointly organised by the Institute for International and Comparative Law in Africa (ICLA) of the Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria, and the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study (STIAS) in partnership with the South African Research Chair in Multilevel Government, Law and Policy (SARChI) at the Dullah Omar Institute, University of the Western Cape and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Rule of Law Program for Sub-Saharan Africa.


The theme for this seminar is “Corruption and constitutionalism in Africa: Revisiting control measures and strategies.” For a detailed…

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Analysis: A Vote of Confidence for the German Democratic Order — The German Federal Constitutional Court Ruling on the Application to Ban the National Democratic Party

9 febrero, 2017

Blog of the IACL, AIDC


Stefan Theil is a PhD candidate in Law at the University of Cambridge. Post originally published on the UK Constitutional Law Association blog.

On 17 January 2017, the German Federal Constitutional Court (FCC) ruled on the application of the German Federal Council to find that the far right National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD) unconstitutional pursuant to Article 21 para. 2 of the German Basic Law. This constituted the second such party ban application against the NPD after the initial attempt in 2001 had failed on procedural grounds, chiefly due to the involvement of domestic intelligence agency informants in the higher echelons of the party. Having been assured that these informants were no longer operating, the most recent application passed the admissibility hurdle, but was ultimately not successful on the substance: the FCC found that while the NPD was clearly determined to undermine and abolish key features of the free…

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XIII Congreso Iberoamericano de Derecho Constitucional. México D.F. 01-03 de febrero 2017

3 febrero, 2017

Estimados amigos:

Se lleva a cabo en estos días en México D.F., el XIII Congreso Iberoamericano de Derecho Constitucional, evento que a juicio nuestro constituye la reunión más importante en habla hispana en materia constitucional.

La reunión a que aludimos se denomina «Trayectoria y porvenir del constitucionalismo contemporáneo. Homenaje a la Constitución de Querétaro en su centenario» .

Entre otros temas, han de abordarse:

Constitución y Estado laico; Constitución y orden jurídico internacional; Constitución, desarrollo, ciencia y ambiente; Corrupción y otros vicios institucionales; Federalismo, regionalismo y municipalismo; Elecciones, partidos políticos y calidad de la democracia

También Garantías y eficacia de los derechos humanos; Gobierno local y democracia; Justicia, equidad y derechos sociales; Reforma y cambio de las Constituciones; Constitución y régimen de gobierno.

Se incluyen diversos homenajes la Constitución de Querétaro.

El Programa integral puede ser visto en

Mas información al respecto puede visualizarse en

Saludos cordiales,

Edwin Figueroa Gutarra


Retos del constitucionalismo en el siglo XXI

La Mirada de Peitho

Retos del constitucionalismo en el siglo XXI

2018 Posts - IACL-IADC Blog

Retos del constitucionalismo en el siglo XXI

Argumentos en Derecho Laboral

Blog coordinado por Adrián Todolí

Blog of the IACL, AIDC

a network of constitutionalists from countries throughout the world

Pensamientos de Derecho Constitucional

Retos del constitucionalismo en el siglo XXI